No, Your Stories Do Not Have to Be About Battersea or Nine Elms

Just wanted to clear one very frequently asked question here. We are looking for underrepresented writers associated with Battersea and Nine Elms, but the submission - your content, your short story, narrative non-fiction or poetry - do not need to be about Battersea or Nine Elms.

However, we wouldn’t mind if that’s the case. The key is that your work should meet this year’s theme: grow and flourish. What does grow and flourish mean? It’s subject to your creative interpretation. Battersea and Nine Elms mean community and connection to me, and I like to see that all the changes in our local community will lead to growth and flourish of our residents. Diversity continues to be appreciated, friendships are made across all communities.

This is why the Battersea Anthology is formed, to champion a diverse voice.

I hope this is clear. For the rest of the submission details - click here.


Rishi Dastidar to Write Foreword


Launch Party at Battersea Bookshop